Fat Hendrick Stories

Cheryl Schopen - Reader's Favorite Review

In Buttermilk, written by Fat Hendrick and illustrated by Jamil Adler, Farmer Floyd is looking forward to his cow, Jesse, winning first place in the country fair for her milk. But something is different about Jesse’s milk. Farmer Floyd first begins to worry when he sees the unusual cream, but then realizes that Jesse is now making wonderful…delicious…savory butter. Farmer Floyd and his cow may be out of the milk contest, but they may be able to win something else. And why is Jesse suddenly producing this amazing butter? Does it have anything to do with the new tenant from Tupelo and the guitar he keeps playing?

I absolutely loved the illustrations. They were the first thing to grab my attention about this story. Kids will instantly fall in love with the vibrantly colorful and realistic photos on each page of this children’s book. They bring the story to life. And I really enjoyed the story. It’s entertaining, and it is such a fun way for kids to discover Elvis. This is the perfect book for both kids and their parents to read together. Not only will children enjoy this book because of the cute story and amazing illustrations, but adults will also appreciate the Elvis Presley reference. Author Fat Hendrick and illustrator Jamil Adler make the perfect team; together they created the amazing Buttermilk, which kids and adults alike will certainly adore. My daughter and I definitely enjoyed it. It is the perfect addition to any child’s growing library.